Sunday 1 April 2012

Sculpted Surprises - Stitched, slashed and burnt...

20 people took part in the workshop organised by Chesterfield Embroiderer's Guild on Saturday 31.3.12 at Calow. Most were guild members but we had a few visitors making up numbers. Alysn Midgelow-Marsden led the group in working with fine metal mesh fabrics in copper, steel and bronze, adding layers of sheer man-made fabrics with stitch. Some worked by hand and most with machines, to create grids and free flowing forms. The sheers were cut , folded and beaded to expose the metal mesh base, or burned away with heat guns. The mesh gives the final piece structure and can be formed into tea light holders, moulded around shapes or just left free. Have a look at the photos to the right. If anyone has anymore to add to this, particularly detail of your own work please let me have a copy to add to the album.
It would be great if those taking part could also bring their pieces to the meeting on Thursday 5th April.

1 comment:

  1. A really enjoyable day, and what a range of inspiring pieces produced by the group! Thank you to the organisers and, of course, Alysn.
